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It's a been a week of recording and preparing for IVFDF in Sheffield. If you'd like to listen in to this gig it's going to be live-streamed! So Saturday 26th February between 8:30-11:30pm UK time go to this webpage: Contra Dance for IVFDF - and the music is here! (Follow the instructions for 13x through)
So what is new on the website this week? I've changed the theme - do let me know if there are any typesetting issues I've missed! I've also added the following videos
Byss-Calle No. 25
Konvulsionslåt - NH video added
Resetting the Fine tunes
A New Subscriber Extra!
Next up will be full on preparation for the teaching week and weekend at Halsway Manor, which is in four weeks time. Very exciting!
Take Care