I thought, having done a couple of unboxing videos I should do a serious one. I was very lucky to get my new flute two weeks before we went into lockdown. The timing couldn't have been better! I had selected the flute last summer and had it in its keyless state for a good few months and then handed it back to have keys added just before Christmas. When Tony said it was ready we jumped at the first opportunity that we were driving close to him to go and fetch it - little did we know that this was going to be the only opportunity for the foreseeable future. The gods smiled that day! I had in the back of my mind that I was going to start this blog up once I had this particular flute, so gradually I'm going to be adding things to it. Possibly a bit haphazardly, but I'll make some lists so you can follow through on a learning exploration that makes sense. Technically we're all in lockdown and this means that a lot of people have a lot of tie on their hands. We've actually been really, really busy creating, recording and filming. It's been a gruelling hectic schedule!
So the flute itself...
Made by Tony Millyard
- Pratten Model
- Baroque Style
- Ivorine Rings
- 8 keys by Sophie Matthews
Anyway - enjoy watching the video. Tunes will follow!