Welcome to the retail therapy section of the website!
The shop actually exists in our online webshop at Square, so click this button to go there, but I'll add a few things to this page too!
Nyckelharpa Four-a-Day It's a series of exercises designed to kick start you're playing. For a one off fee you get access to the Four-a-Day but not the ongoing stuff inside the website. Once you buy access to the four a day I'll send you a login. (Also gets you access to a few other free things that are in the website that you need a login for)

It's back in stock and available from our website again. 73 tunes. Don't be fooled - it might say fiddle on the cover, but it's a nyckelharpa book in disguise!

British Session Tunes for Nyckelharpa - Book 1
60 tunes arranged for nyckelharpa!

Originally written for the Swedish Bagpipes these are 24 duets. Polska, schottis, brudmarsch, vals, slängpolska even the elusive five-times waltz. All presented in an authentic hand-written style. There are three versions of the books:
1. nyckelharpa or fiddle.
2. Swedish bagpipes (säckpipa)
3. G border pipes
This is a duet book, so grab your instrument, a friend and have some fun!

25 Tunes in the British Style
It's a duet book.
Who doesn't love badges!! We've got treble clefs, bass clefs, alto clefs, tenor clefs, nyckelharpas even badges for World Nyckelharpa Day! Click the button to visit the shop to buy a badge or three!