It's been a week of filming, recording and getting my inbox to a manageable size! We might have been home, but it's been a tough week! So what is new on the site this week?
I add video to the lesson for Farewell to the Astra on nyckelharpa. It's from Symmetry and it's me and Jonny playing it. I also added the Symmetry 10th September play-along video
On the Scottish smallpipes I added The Pipers Maggot, a nice little jig.
On the flute we have the Swedish polska 1814.
On the Moraharpa I've started to film a 4-A-Day series - Day 2 is now up.
On the Nyckelharpa we have the first of the tunes I taught at Halsway Manor - there are more of these to come! It's Walnut this week and the tune I taught to the slower group and in the English tunes workshop.
Some of the items performed at the Tutors Concert at Halsway Manor are being put out publicly on the internet. It was such an incredible concert! Air on a G String has now been published - so watch and share! #SlowBach
More next week as I manage to edit the footage I shot this week!