It's now only one week to go until Harpas at Halsway 2023! The heat here has made working conditions tricky and as a result a lot of work has been done between the cooler hours of midnight and 3am! My tunes are all now decided, so the next stage is to do the post course resource films.
We had the Symmetry Zoom this week and created the now usual post watch film. Unfortunately we suffered our first ever during Zoom power cut which, although only lasted a minute meant that our record files were all corrupted. So we decided to sit tight after the dance and film them again. This means that the video is a mix of live zoom and post film. Enjoy! I filmed the lesson for Pablo Goes Fishing which was the waltz this week.
As Halsway is so close I did some more filming for the Halsway Session PDF. This week we have Anna Maria Kiss Me - which is a really pretty tune written by Ingela Ader.
The Playford in Shorts (as I've affectionately named it this week!) is going apace and we have tunes 2-8. Click the links for the videos and the dots to play-along with me!
Blew Cap for Me
The Night-Peece or The Shaking of the Sheets
The Beggar Boy
The Parson's Farwell
Bobbing Joe
Durham Stable or The New Exchange
Halsway Next week!