I'm still not technically home - but have a weekend to turn things around and clean the house! So what's new on the site this week? I decided to bring over my show Nyckelharpa! Voice of an Angel - Soul of the Devil. So this is now added to the Subscribers section. There was a back story in the show that was published on the internet in the run up to the first performance - this is included spot you can follow the whole story. There is also a short making of the show too. There were also a few tunes that were integral to this back story. So these are all now on the site too:
The Näckens Polska
The Näckens Dream Waltz
The Näckens Dream Polkette
On the flute we have My Lady Winwood's Maggot
I've also been hard at the Shorts as usual, so I've put those below!
One more week of medieval castles and then I can get the camera out again!