We are now entering a crazy time and it turns out there really aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done! I'm back doing a recording session for a film that I (again) can't talk about. I think it's going to be another massacre type film! But it's fun recording it! So what is new on the site this week?
We had another Zoom dance for Symmetry on Sunday night so there is a new play-along video for you. You'll find the video and the music by clicking here!
On the flute we have probably the most famous Swedish tune: Äppelbo Gånglåt.
On the Scottish smallpipes we have St George's Dance written by Jonny.
On the nyckelharpa we have the nice easy Cockles and Mussels.
I'm off to Sweden and then off to Northumberland with recording filling in all the gaps, so next week it will be another update from the road!