We're back home - but only briefly. We got back from The Netherlands on Sunday. Then had a lovely gig down in Dorset for the Ninebarrow walking week. We get to do another two of these in the coming weeks! We also had a lovely dance in Symmetry on Tuesday and that play-along video is now ready! So go along to the page and watch/listen/ playalong!
This week in Catch Club we have I Gave Her Cakes and I Gave Her Ale.
What is new on the site this week? I've added the Playford tune Jamaica and with the adding of this tune and some sums I have this as the 700th different to be added (across all the instruments!)
We also have Hästkuttet, it's a Rejländer. But someone pointed out it was also a Scottish tune, so I did some digging. Visit the lesson to find out more!
On the Säckpipa we have Polska efter Jonas Hansson - I've done this tune on the nyckelharpa on this site, but now the säckpipa version is up!
More next week!