It's been another lovely hot week this week! We had a great Zoom dance on Sunday and this time we got a nice video and I've added it to the Play-along course. The dots are on the page, but you're going to need to be a subscriber to access this video.
So what else is new this week?
On the nyckelharpa we have two contra reels - NEW TWO and NEW THREE
Naming tunes can be a problem, but these two place holders have become the names!
On the fiddleharpa we have Marie's Wedding.
On the Scottish Smallpipes we have the slip jig Drops of Brandy.
We've been out doing some schools workshops this week in the sweltering heat, so I crammed in as much filming as I could today, but it's been a hot day filming in the studio - so I hope to get a bunch of flute lessons filmed next week and hope it's cooler! More next week.