Whitby@Home – A final post!

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Whitby@Home - A final post!

Whitby@Home has been an amazing week and we've done lots and lots of videos! This is a summary of everything we did! It was a lot!

Watch our Concert (we start half way through)

The Swedish Tunes Nyckelharpa Workshop
Polska Från Mariebol - Morfarspolska
Polska efter Jonas Hansson
Brudmarsch efter Johan Vilhelm Söderkvist
PDF of the tunes

The Contra Tunes Workshop
Lightening the Load 
St Alban's New
New England Square
PDF of the tunes

Musical Warmups!

Ceilidh Dance!
We took a recording of the dancing - so if you'd like to play along, dancealong or just watch these are being uploaded to our Duo website dance page. Because there are quite a few, I'll just put one here for you to see. The rest at the moment you'll find here!

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