It's been a week mostly at home and so I got the camera out and did some filming. This week mostly Fiddleharpa and I finally got some time to film with my new flute. (Which then developed another teething problem meaning a trip back into London - more about that in the future).
So what is new? It's Friday 4th October and that makes it Cinnamon Bun Day. So as I now do every year I share the video of me baking cinnamon buns that I made in October 2024. Yum! The Symmetry dance that we had on the 10th September is now edited and up ready for playing along with. I released to the public the video of one of the tunes we played at the Halsway Manor Tutors Concert - Vivaldi Sinfonia No. 3. Another video next week!
For the nyckelharpa I updated a couple of lessons: Childegrove and Nonesuch with articulations and bowing. We also have Polska ur Sven Johanssons Samling that I taught at Halsway Manor.
On the flute this week we have Bushby's Frolic - there was a silver flute lesson, but now there is a wooden simple system flute lesson too.
For Fiddleharpa we have Olle's Födelsedags Låt. A little tune I wrote for Olle Plahn. I've also done a first Zen Scale for Fiddleharpa. The scale of G major one octave! Not a bad idea to revisit this on nyckelharpa too! But it's a little more challenging on that! G major Zen Scale for nyckelharpa!
That's it for this week! More next week!